Bike accidents in Chicago can be stressful and painful. You need someone on your side.
Chicago Bike Law Firm has represented injured cyclists throughout Chicago in a variety of cases, and we understand the unique legal issues cyclists face when riding in the dense urban environment of our city.
Dooring accidents, right hooks and left crosses, vehicles driving too close, potholes, narrow and unmarked bike lanes, driver road rage– these are just some of the variables that cyclists regularly confront in Chicago, and Chicago Bike Law Firm’s knowledge of these unique issues provides our clients with an important advantage when dealing with the aftermath of their bike accidents.
Insurance companies can be tough and will take advantage of injured cyclists whenever possible. But a solid plan, a thorough knowledge of the law, and years of experience with an array of accidents and injuries can go a long way towards obtaining the compensation injured cyclists deserve.
Have you been injured in a bike accident? Contact us now.